Catalin and a friend have won a fantastic trip to Norway where they’ll be treated to an exhilarating Ice Driving experience!
Once their flight has landed our guests will be whisked off to the remote Geilo region via an Alpine train. They will spend the next three days at the base of the Hardangervidda mountain as they stay in the renowned and luxurious Vestlia Resort taking in all of the amenities on offer.
As appose to the tip of the mountain, the pinnacle of this trip will take place on the nearby frozen lake, as Catalin and his guest will discover a whole new way to enjoy the thrills of driving as they slalom across the ice in a Porsche 911! This will surely be an unforgettable experience and certainly one to put a chill down the spine!
The panel of judges is formed of experienced sports professionals on a rotating basis, who each offer their best opinion. Using a panel of judges ensures that nobody can ever know the original position of the ball - resulting in a process that is fair, transparent, audited and honest.
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