Bengt Korpas lives in Falun, a small town in the heart of rural Sweden. Given the surrounding terrain, it's no surprise that Bengt often enters for 4x4s and last week he played for the discounted Evoque LE by Kahn. It's a model he's admired since seeing it featured on a TV show and Bengt was delighted when Will Skype-called him to let him know he was the 310th Dream Car winner! Bengt also opted for the additional £10,000 in cash which now comes with fuel paid for the first year, so he's sure to have a lot of fun testing out the capabilities of his new pride and joy − all in the luxurious and stylish interior that's a feature of Kahn Designed cars. Congratulations Bengt!
At BOTB, we're well known for our car competitions where you can win a car of your choice. All you gotta do is play our spot the ball game to be in with a chance of winning your prize!
Game Credit is won for doing well in Car Competitions.
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15% of ticket value paid
10% of ticket value paid
The panel of judges is formed of experienced sports professionals on a rotating basis, who each offer their best opinion. Using a panel of judges ensures that nobody can ever know the original position of the ball - resulting in a process that is fair, transparent, audited and honest.
The winner is calculated by external auditors Wilkins Kennedy, a top 20 UK accountancy group. View confirmation letter
All entrants are eligible to win game credit in zones 1 to 5 (see key above), according to their proximity to the judged position.
The top 20 closest players to the winning coordinates all receive £200 in Game Credit.
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