Akhtar ‘Kaz’ Rahman was prepping for a business meeting at a hotel when Will knocked on his door earlier this morning. Taken aback to see the BOTB chief standing in front of him, Kaz first pinched Will to make sure he was real, before following him out into the car park to see his new pride and joy – a £156k Bentley Continental GT W12…the most expensive car ever won at BOTB! Kaz was a little lost for words, particularly when Will then opened the boot to reveal an extra £20k in cash! We hope Kaz was able to concentrate during his meeting after that – congratulations Kaz!
At BOTB you can win a car in our super easy to enter car competitions. Choose to play for a Tesla, BMW, or maybe even win a campervan!
Game Credit is won for doing well in Car Competitions.
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15% of ticket value paid
10% of ticket value paid
The panel of judges is formed of experienced sports professionals on a rotating basis, who each offer their best opinion. Using a panel of judges ensures that nobody can ever know the original position of the ball - resulting in a process that is fair, transparent, audited and honest.
The winner is calculated by external auditors Wilkins Kennedy, a top 20 UK accountancy group. View confirmation letter
All entrants are eligible to win game credit in zones 1 to 5 (see key above), according to their proximity to the judged position.
The top 20 closest players to the winning coordinates all receive £200 in Game Credit.
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