What Are Your Odds of Winning the People's Postcode Lottery?

“people's postcode lottery odds

The Postcode Lottery is a relatively long-running lottery platform based on a participant’s postcode instead of a singular ticket win. Founded in 2005, the People’s Postcode Lottery has become increasingly popular, with 70% of the British postcodes participating in the competition.


Offered as an online subscription, the Postcode Lottery offers cash prizes based on your postcode lottery ticket! The Postcode Lottery also donates 33% of its ticket purchases to various charities and causes.


The prizes offered range from daily cash prizes starting at £1000 to a £3.2 million monthly draw. There are also physical prizes such as iPads, Dyson Cordless, and more.


For more information, head to our in-depth guide on What Is the People's Postcode Lottery


Now, let's delve into the particulars of the Postcode Lottery odds to find out if it is, in fact, worth playing and much more!



What Are the Odds of Winning People’s Postcode Lottery?

Your odds of winning a million-pound jackpot in the People's Postcode Lottery are widely thought to be anywhere between 1 in 2 million and 1 in 4 million. Either way, that's quite a bit better than the National Lottery, which offers roughly 1 in 45 million odds. 


According to the People’s Postcode Lottery, 24.77% of playing postcodes won a prize in August, which means your chances of winning a smaller prize are much higher, at nearly 1 in 4.


In 2023 alone, 84% of players won at least some form of prize in the Postcode lottery. These prizes included £1,000 prizes, £10 wins, prize vouchers, E-Gift cards, and more.


However, you should know there is no official way to determine the Postcode Lottery odds, as they depend on many factors, such as the number of postcodes and tickets involved in a game.


Can You Enter the Postcode Lottery More Than Once?

Yes, you can enter the Postcode Lottery more than once! For every ticket you enter within the weekly and daily competition counts as one draw per ticket. So, if you have more than one ticket for your postcode, you’ll enter the draw twice. For example, if your postcode wins the Sunday £30,000 Street Prize, and you played with two tickets, you'd win £60,000. 

Postcode Lottery FAQs

Is It Worth Doing Postcode Lottery?

It totally depends on you! With the ease of signing up to a subscription lottery, many will find the People’s Postcode Lottery an appealing competition to participate in. The Postcode Lottery also offers more than just cash – it offers physical prizes too! Compared to the National Lottery, the draws are more frequent too, which can add to the excitement.

Who Wins the Most in Postcode Lottery?

From the lottery statistics, that have data from 2011, the city with the most wins is Birmingham, followed by Sheffield and then Newcastle.


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