Is Competition Fox Legit?

is competitions fox legit

Competition Fox is a legitimate online competition platform that was founded in 2021. It’s always wise to run background checks before entering an online competition, but based on the available information, it appears that Competition Fox is a real platform.

They generally giveaway small cash prizes, typically ranging from £100-£300, alongside a variety of quirky prizes. For example, at the time of writing, Competition Fox was giving away prizes like a Harry Potter Lego bundle, Ninja pan set, inflatable body board, and so on.

What Is Competition Fox?

Competition Fox is an online competition platform based in the UK, offering a variety of prizes through ticket-based draws. Founded in 2021 by Sarah and Martin, this family-run business operates out of Devon.

They offer prizes from cash, tech gadgets, and luxury items, to holidays and fun smaller prizes. For instance, one of the latest prizes we saw was 3.25kg of Yorkshire tea.

Ticket costs are usually between £2-3, depending on the value of the prize. 

They’re a newer competition site similar to Omaze, Rev Comps, 7 Days Performance, Bounty Competition, and more. 

How Does Competition Fox Work?


Competition Fox works in a relatively easy-to-understand way.

Let’s break the process into three parts: buying tickets, selecting a winner, and receiving prizes.



Buying tickets

To be eligible to win a Competition Fox prize, you must register on their website and create an account.

Next, pick the prize you want to play for and buy as many tickets as possible.

You can also enter for free via post.


Selecting a Winner

Every competition has a specified end date, and the winner will be drawn regardless of whether or not all competition tickets sell.

You can watch Competition Fox pick the winner in real time by hopping on their Facebook live stream, where they will randomly draw the winner from the entry list. 


Receiving Prizes

Competition Fox tries to deliver prizes to winners within seven days of announcing the winner, and delivery is free. 

They encourage winners to take a selfie with their prize for promotional purposes, but they can always opt-out.


Competition Fox FAQs

Have more questions about Competition Fox? We've rounded up some useful FAQs.

Are Competition Fox regulated?

No, Competition Fox is not regulated by any official gambling or lottery authority. They operate as a prize draw competition platform, not as a traditional gambling or lottery service. That said, they are governed by English law.

Who owns Competition Fox?

Sarah Fox and Martin McIver are the registered owners and active directors of Competitions Fox, according to official company records.

Do people win Competition Fox?

Yes, people do win prizes from Competition Fox. Roughly 50 people win prizes every day through Competition Fox. They claim to have awarded over £16,000,000 worth of prizes and had just under 53,000 winners at the time of writing.

Where is Competition Fox based?

Competition Fox is based in Torquay, Devon, in the south of the United Kingdom. However, they run their business online, so you don’t need to live in the area to be able to buy tickets.

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