Willesden Green man wins a £160k Lamborghini and £20k cash after a competition punt on his wedding day
A Willesden Green petrol head has won a brand-new Lamborghini Urus plus a briefcase stuffed with £20,000 after entering a competition on his wedding day.
Car sales manager Ahmad El-Majidi is now proud owner of the car, worth more than £160,000, after being surprised by BOTB (Best of the Best PLC) presenter Christian Williams who turned up to the Audi showroom in Finchley Road where he works and handed him the keys.
The 27-year-old was further surprised to find £20,000 in the boot of the car which will “pay off the wedding” and “go towards a house”, he said.
“I actually played for it on my wedding day - it must truly be my luckiest day,” he said.
“I just can’t believe I’ve actually won. I have loved cars all my life and I’ve worked in the motor trade since I was 17.
“The Lamborghini is just my absolute dream car, it’s incredible. I still can’t believe it. Thank you so much BOTB!”
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