Car 'Nut' Wins £55,000 BMW
A car 'nut' from Barnsley has won a £55,000 motor after playing an online 'spot the ball' competition.
Neil Preddy, 62, of Royston, was ecstatic when a team from the Best of the Best competition website turned up to his work on Monday to tell him he'd won a BMW M3.
Neil who makes coal mining machinery at a firm on Carlton Industrial Estate, has only been playing the 'spot the ball' competition for about three months, whereas others have been playing for years.
It was his wife Jane's job to keep the win a secret after Best of the Best contacted her last Friday to say he had won and would be coming up to Barnsley to suprise him with a car similar to the one he would be taking home.
Neil, who confesses to already having too many cars, said: "Jane did really well keeping it a secret. It's fabulous, and I've always fancied one of these."
"I have been so close to winning a couple of times, and other times I have been miles off, but I kept saying 'that car is mine'."
Katia Harston - Barnsley Chronical